Labeling of goods

In Russia the labeling of some products is compulsory for all market members. The operator of the digital labeling and tracking system of goods is the Center for the development of advanced technologies. It has created a unified national system for the digital marking and tracking system of goods named "CHESTNIY ZNAK" .

General laws

Labeling products

How it works


What we offer

Automatization of marking processes

We prepare an individual project for your business and implement it.

Labeling of goods remaining

We register goods in the "Chestniy Znak" system, describe the remains of the goods, order the codes, and put them into circulation.

Setting up accounting systems

We set up accounting system and integrate it with the marking system, install and configure the software for your needs.

Technical support

We set up and adapt accounting systems, provide high-quality and prompt support.

IT Consulting Service

We provide solutions that meet business requirements and the legislation in the Russian Federation for international retailers.