Russia starts the revision of tax agreement with Switzerland

Up to 250 billion RUB Russia can contribute to the budget. Such amount the revision of the tax agreement between Russia and Switzerland can bring to our country. The essence of changes is the avoidance of double taxation. Just to remind, in 2020 Russia introduced a 15% tax on income received in the form of
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Global International Tax

133  countries supported the introduction of a global tax. The new tax will concern international companies. The minimum tax rate must be at least 15% in each country of presence of a multinational company. Russia supports the idea to introduce a global tax, and will participate in the development of the corresponding model agreements of
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Ukraine appoints tax inspection for non-residents

From July 1, 2021, inspections of non-residents who have not registered for income taxation can be appointed in Ukraine (the relevant rules were established by Law of Ukraine No. 1117 and entered into force on January 1, 2021). Recall that according to these amendments to the Tax Code, non-resident companies are required to register with
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Mandatory registration of the non-residents in the UA State Customs Service

Ukraine has introduced mandatory registration of non-residents in the State Customs Service. The new rules for declaring goods by non-residents in Ukraine came into force on July 1, 2021. Mandatory registration is now subject to non-residents who are:  1)foreign carriers moving goods, commercial transportation, transit through the territory of Ukraine 2) foreign carriers moving goods
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IT companies should have legal entities in Russia

July, 1st 2021 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which giant IT companies will be required to open branches or create legal entities in Russia.The rules are applicable to companies that own a website with a daily access exceeding 500,000 users in Russia. This concerns such companies as Facebook, Instagram, Google. The
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Ukrainian “Google TAX”

On June 28, 2021, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed the law on taxation of electronic services for non-residents. Now electronic services provided to individuals on the territory of Ukraine by such companies as Google, Viber, Amazon will be subject to VAT of 20%. Foreign companies should be included in a special list. Worth saying,
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